We need a doctor, can you help us?
Yes, we can help you find the right doctor for your practice.
We will need to know:
• Are you looking for a Locum or a Permanent Doctor?
• If Locum, what dates are required?
• Do you need a male or female specifically?
• Do you require them to have any specific skills such as skin or cosmetic skills
• What type of billing do you do?
• Where is your practice located?
• Are you located in a DWS area?
• How many Doctors work in your practice?
• Is there a Practice Nurse available? If so, how many hours per week are they on site?
• Is there Allied Health available on site for referral?
How much does it cost?
It's best if we send you through the Terms and Conditions with our Fee Schedule. This way you have it all written down and you can present it to anyone that needs to review it such as your board or directors etc.
The most effective way is to register with us, giving us the authority to start working on your behalf.
Does it cost anything to register?
There is no cost to you until such time as the doctor has commenced work with you.
There are no hidden advertising or additional costs.
How long does it take to find a Doctor?
If we have available Doctors that we need to contact to check if they would like to work in your practice we will be transparent and let you know so you are aware that we are working on your behalf but we are reliant on the doctor supplying us with information about their availability.
Some Doctors are required in their contract to give a substantial amount of notice in order for the practice to be able to replace them.
If you are looking for a Locum we will give you an idea of available doctors at the time of listing the vacancy. If all of our current locums are completely booked we will be transparent and let you know this. If we have some locums available but need to check with them, then we will also let you know. We encourage you to check in with us from time to time if we have not confirmed a locum for the period of time you have listed with us.
When placing a Permanent Doctor with you, we will make sure that they are work ready.
• We will then send through a current CV to you and if you like the candidate we will then set up an interview. This will sometimes be face-to-face and other times utilising technology.
• We will provide you with two references for a permanent candidate.
• Once you have accepted the candidate and set a date for them to commence work, we will send you a confirmation in writing.
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